April 23, 2013

24 Weeks & Counting...

Time has flown by the last couple months, I can't believe we're already at 24 weeks!  Second trimester has been a breeze so far.  I held out buying maternity clothes for a really long time.  I wasn't interested in the weird belly deal, plus the pockets are always so high on the jeans.  Last month I finally broke down and bought a pair...and I LOVE them!  I prefer the full belly over the band because it's so comfortable.  I feel like I'm wearing sweats at work, they're the best.  I've made quite a few purchases since.  

* Barbecue sauce on anything & everything
* Ribs (I'm not a meat eater, so this is strange!)
* Baby Carrots

So far I L-O-V-E:
* Feeling the baby move & kick- it's the greatest feeling ever.  
I don't think anyone could have explained how awesome it would be.  
* Shopping for our little guy!  I'm obsessed with buying clothes for him.  

So far I could live without:
* Waking up at odd hours of the morning feeling wide awake, I haven't slept past 4:30 in months.
* Swollen feet...this has become a new symptom over the last week, but it's getting really old.  My toes look like lil' smokies at the end of the day!  

Weird things I do:
* Sing to the baby...I'm trying to teach him good music at an early age, so we listen to a lot of classic rock.  Although, he does seem to kick every time Pitbull & Christina are on the radio.
* This one is slightly embarrassing, but I totally bought a stethoscope online, and I listen to his heartbeat every single day after work.  It's so hard to hear, but I can usually find it if I lay flat on my back.  I look forward to it every day.
* If I haven't felt him move very much during the day, I drink caffeine just to feel him!  I know it's awful, but I love when he's kicking and rolling, and that usually gets him going.  

Our nightly ritual.

View of the baby-bump.  Like my "Future Husky" shirt Tom made?

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In other news, we sold our house!  The new house is coming along really well.  They're working on the interior finishes at this point, and I can't wait to start decorating!  We've been so fortunate to sell our house in this market, and make a profit to boot!  Here are a few pictures of the progress, I can't wait to post more once we've moved in.  Only a couple months to go!

Dining room opens up to the living room with 17' ceilings & an adorable landing above!  

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I almost forgot...we went on our first "Babymoon" to Jamaica!  Nothing beats sand and calm blue water when it's pouring rain & grey at home.

1 comment:

Tom said...

I love you. You're so amazing and I love our life toghether and can't wait to share all of it with our little guy. Thanks for being my wife! -Tom